
October 28, 2014 Eye Associates

Is My Child Old Enough to Wear Contact Lenses?

Two common questions optometrists hear from parents are, “Can kids wear contact lenses?” and “How old does my child need to be to wear contacts?”

You may be surprised to know that we often prescribe contact lenses to correct vision problems in very young children–even infants. However, while physically there may not be a minimum or recommended minimum age for wearing contact lenses, it’s still important to ask whether contacts are appropriate for your child.

The following questions and tips will help you evaluate whether your child is a candidate for contact lenses.

Can your child be responsible for contact lenses?

Does she learn and follow instructions well? Does he do his chores without frequent reminders? Does she forget her homework at home?

Wearing contacts is an important responsibility. Although complications seldom occur (affecting only 5% of wearers annually), most problems happen because contacts are not worn or cared for properly.

Consider whether your child can learn how to properly insert and remove contacts, keep them clean, and follow a regular lens–wearing schedule. Can she do it even when she is tired or would rather play?

Are the contacts for correcting vision or cosmetic?

Perhaps we recommended contacts to correct your child’s vision problem discovered in their last eye exam. Or maybe your child plays sports and wants contacts for better vision and performance.

However, if your child wants contacts for purely cosmetic reasons, then consider having a detailed discussion with them about what’s driving the decision. An underlying issue or peer pressure might be the motivating factor.

Deciding when to wear contacts

If your child is interested in novelty contacts, or any other questions you may have about contact lenses for your child. We’re here to help!

Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional.

For specific questions, please contact our office.


Adapted with permission from: Kids Contacts: The “Right” Age to Wear Contact Lenses.

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children, contact lenses
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